I was leaving my internship and walking to the elevator when everything I possibly could worry about came like a flood to my mind. The elevator arrived and it was just my thoughts and I alone for the ride. One by one each thing I had to do or figure out clouded my mind and filled me with worry and doubt. I was allowing these negative thoughts to enter, which then festered with the joy I was feeling just a few moments ago. I was headed to my evening class with no motivation to withstand a three-hour lecture. The only thing that sounded pleasant was a warm shower, comfy pajamas, a hot cup of tea, my bed, and soothing music. Once I arrived on campus and ventured to my class, a clear voice stopped me in my tracks – “Be still”, the voice said. I did not understand at first and it repeated with urgency this time – “Be still”. The voice warmed my heart and instantly a peace overflowed me within that moment. I took a deep breath and a God-given strength surpassed my anxieties.
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The disciples were absolutely terrified. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!” Mark 4:29-41 This was just one moment of many that I have encountered a testing of my faith. God will humble us so we will remember him. I felt in that moment he was asking me if I forgot him. If I could allow the enemy to enter my mind so easily then I obviously was not leaning on him, as I should. It was a reminder that we are not meant to have it all together and we will have moments of weakness. The beauty in it all is reminding us that we do not have the power, but it is God who does and through his might he restores peace, strength, and security within our hearts. He is the greatest father and once you lay it all in his hands, give him the control, allow him the authority over your life then stress, anxiety, worry, and doubt have no place in your mind, heart, and soul. God gives us the power to conquer all that life may throw at us. Rest in his truth and his promises. By the renewal of your mind (Romans 12:2) all good things will come your way. It is so important to take just five minutes to center ourselves so our life does not control us. As a believer, it is important to surround yourself with loved ones who will hold you accountable to your faults. I know I am not perfect and while I know my worth, I should never feel so important to not ask for help. In fact, know that we are so important that we can ask the Lord for help. This moment was a gentle reminder to focus on the positive and let him be in control of my circumstances because if I try to do it on my own then mess will surely follow. We are on God’s time and it is important to be still so we can hear what it is he wants to tell us. We must not allow things that do not deserve our time or energy to distract us. Don’t allow the mind to become a whirlwind of occurrences of the past and situations you have no rule over. The mind is the waiting place for the enemy to plant seeds of negativity to welcome him and exit God. Be still, rest in the Lord. Encouraging verses to get you through those seemingly rough times: 1 Samuel 12:16 Isaiah 40:31 Luke 10:38-42 Much love and peace, D.