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Reflection: Quarantine & Chill

Being home all day and every day in this season of quarantine has left much time to reflect, rest, and realign ourselves to a somewhat "better". I don't know what your "better" is, but I do know we all have something we can become better in. It may be a way of thinking, living, eating, or simply just being.

In Matthew 9:17, it mentions that the "new wine" can not be mixed into "old wineskins", but that the "new wine" must be placed into "fresh wineskins". So what does this mean? It means that our life is filled with continuous evolution and growth and as we grow some things must shed in the process. The two cannot mix. The shedding can be that of old patterns, habits, people, and mindsets that no longer add to our journey to becoming better. We are separated from the old to make room for the new.

So, what is your better? What habits, patterns, mindsets do you need to strip away from in order to step into the new that is waiting just for you?

So, I want to help hold US accountable to that better. There are so many things we can do to be reflective in this time like journaling, listening to sermons, and having conversations. Here are a few things that have kept me productive and reflective in this time. Hope they encourage you too!


It seems like everyone has a podcast right now and with us all being home, it's like a new one sprouts up every week! But, we cannot deny they are great, especially when you are on the go. Here are a few I love to tune into:

-"Jesus and Jollof"

If you want to cry laugh, a good message, and RELATABLE anecdotes then this is a listen for you. It is hosted by author, Luvvie Ajayi and actress, Yvonne Orji.

-"Brown Girl Bible"

Sisters engaging in real and honest conversations by diving into the Word of God together.

-"Wonderfully Made by Fifi Buchanan"

Short episodes with tips on living a more balanced and fulfilled life.

-NPR's "Up First"

Top news you need in a quick 10 minutes, conversational, and to the point.

Quick Plugs:

-"This, That & God"

My church's youth ministry just launched their very own podcast on exactly what the title reads - "This, That & God"

-"A Single Girls Diary Podcast"

This beautiful podcast is from a sister in Christ sharing episodes that will encourage and minister to you featuring personal stories, scripture, and special guests!

There are SO many podcasts on the radar and this is only a few of the amazing ones out there. Find what works for you!


Do you have a stack of books that you just "never have the time" to read. Well, now is that time! Here's a couple titles I have sitting right on my shelf looking-at-me-looking-at-it, some I'm diving deeper in, and some I must read again!

-The Bible

Above any other book I can recommend.

-Michelle Obama's Becoming

A great read as you reflect on your own journey. Former First Lady Michelle Obama gives an amazing account of her life from growing up in Chicago to becoming First Lady of the United States of America. Also, Mrs. Obama just announced that Netflix is releasing "Becoming", a documentary on her life and experiences she had following the release of her memoir.

-The BudgetNista, Tiffany Aliche's Live Richer Challenge: Learn how to budget, save, get out of debt, improve your credit and invest in 36 days

This is a great time to think about money management, saving, and investing. This book is 36 days of accountability by The BudgetNista herself offering tips and advice each day for you to apply in your own finances.

-Pray It Forward: An Intrinsic Look at the Lifestyle of an Intercessor by Sheila Vickers

A devotional book is a great choice in this time. This is a powerful read on the call to prayer and the power of prayer.

-Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer

Another great devotional touching on the power of prayer. I have yet to finish this one, but has been a great read thus far. It is also inspired by the movie, "War Room", which I highly recommend. Oh and Priscilla Shirer is amazing, so check it out!

-Welcome to the Real World: Finding Your Place, Perfecting Your Work, And Turning Your Job Into Your Dream Career by Lauren Berger

This book is an inspirational account based on the Founder and CEO of on navigating the ins and outs of starting your career. An encouraging read.

There are so many others, but these are a few currently on my radar.


Cooking can be so therapeutic when you don't have your chef of a mother breathing behind your back (haha!). I'm currently exploring the vegan diet, so I'm using this time to learn some fun vegan recipes. Here are a few vegan centric profiles I've been following to get my chef hat on!

-Tabitha Brown

A.K.A The Vegan Queen. She has to be one of the original vegans on the web sharing recipes and encouraging others on their vegan journey while offering a dose of love and laughs in all her content.

-Rachel Ama

I came across her channel when I was searching up Caribbean vegan meals. You can see how I made the Saltphish dish inspired by her here.


She has great content and breaks down the Vegan lifestyle beyond just recipes, but how to save those coins on a vegan diet, weight loss, and so much more!


Some days I just want to relax and that is okay and then other days I know getting my body moving will help me to get out of that slump I may be feeling, help me to focus, and remain productive.

There are so many resources right on Youtube and many Instagram accounts have been doing IG Live workout sessions. I love @msjeanettejenkins! She is a beast and currently has a 14 day "Love Your Body" Home Workout plan.

We can strive towards our better in so many different ways. Simply waking up when your alarm goes off is a step towards that better! It seems crazy to have more life when we're all home, but you can by taking this time to learn something new, heal, and return to the very thing that fills you with joy. Your post-quarantine self will appreciate you for it.

Much love and peace,




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